13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Title Case or Sentence case in English-Greek translation?

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Title Case or Sentence case when translating from English into Greek?

The following is a query from a serious localization vendor:

I have a question for letter case for Greek language. Is it normal for Greek to follow the same letter case as English?

And, what's the letter case rule for Greek?

For example,

{0>Rotate Right<}100{>Περιστροφή δεξιά<0}
{0>Rotate Left<}100{>Περιστροφή αριστερά<0}

Is this Greek translation with correct letter case?

Unfortunately, following the English trend, many Greek translators and localizers tend to follow Title Case (even in cases when there are more than a couple of words, i.e. producing a whole sentence with the first letter of each word capitalized).

It should be made clear here, that the norm for Greek is Sentence case (Κεφαλαία-πεζά πρότασης) only and not Title Case (Γράμματα τίτλου).

So, this is Sentence case:

Περιστροφή δεξιά

And this is Title Case:

Περιστροφή Δεξιά

Originally published: Title Case or Sentence case when translating from English into Greek?

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